From time to time a reader will send me feedback and I'm so deeply touched. Sometimes the reader provides an e-mail and I'm able to thank them--though probably not as eloquently as I feel. Other times the person remains anonymous, like J in London who said she spent too much time reading at the expense of spending it with her family over the holidays. How sweet of a compliment is that?
In the (many lately) moments when I'm struggling to find the words to convey my thoughts and get into a steady writing pace, messages from readers keep me going. I intend to write my way through this slump and I'm two scenes out. I've got a break coming up week after next but ideally I'd like to have this chapter completed so I can devote the free time to drafting chapter 6.
Funny thing is how many times the names Noah, Sascha and Isabel have come up. And the weirdest coincidence happened last Tuesday while watching Castle's Sucker Punch episode. One of the villains was named Finley Rourke. That's Noah's brother!