Songs on the list were chosen to match the scenes in my head. Some of them capture exactly what I want to evoke. For others, it's a lyric or title that speaks to me or encapsulates a character's POV. I did this before I got into the story because I was still writing Kismet and wanted to have a record of the ideas that would come in odd moments. Like when I'm in the shower.
I'll confess now that I love, love, love music. I could go on and on every song on this list. And I just might.
The chorus for Foolish Games sums up the breakup so well. There's a wistfulness to Jewel's voice and the musical arrangement that made it the lead off song of choice. She's narrating this scene in a way that's accepting and yet she's sad about what it all means: The end of a love affair. Katy Perry's Hot 'n Cold is classic Alex/Sascha. That's what they've been doing for the months prior to the opening scene.
Glorybox for instance is where Sascha's at right now. She wants to enjoy and be enjoyed as a woman, not as a fixer of problems or whatever role she's allowed herself to fall into. She needs to catch her breath and see the world again, which makes Hunter a cool choice too.
The line in Paramore's "there is something...I see in might kill me...I want it to be true" and that riff is so visceral, it describes Alex's hold on her to a tee. And speaking of Mr Tortured, I had him built in my mind but couldn't get the words out. I found Cold and You can do much better than me and Closer then added my imagination. Voila. I can get lost in writing Alex, he's so inward and tormented and contrary. I love it that his energy can be charming and subversive at once.
It's been fun building this playlist, many old favorites appear here and it's a departure for me because I tend to gravitate these days to techno or downtempo tunes. I'm not much of a love song kind of gal.
I better haul butt. I have things to do. Namely the last scene of chapter four.
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