Monday, April 27, 2009

Analysis Paralysis

Today's the last day for tweaking the project. I've fallen back into an ocean of doubt. I read over the material and questions arise. Is this what I want to submit? Then arguments arise why this I should and shouldn't go with what I have. My brain is like a dog chasing its own tail and I feel worn out.

Part of my problem is I'm an all or nothing gal. It's got to be an A+ effort or it's not doing at all. Intellectually I understand that one's best efforts fluctuates by the day, hour and minute. Right now I feel like I'm talking myself into a calm that I'm not sure I believe.

But there's great value in completing the project and submitting it. The experience itself pushes my momentum forward.

On another note, my mother read chapter one yesterday. No editing. I had a lovely chat with my girl Kaia and that bolstered my decision to just go with it. Having her support and encouragement means a lot. Ah, wait till she reads the rest. (snicker).

Back to work.


Michelle said...

unedited? baby, you gots balls.

August said...

Chapter one isn't that racy compared to what's coming. (evil grin)