Sunday, June 28, 2009

Rain break

It just started raining. The trees are swaying and the pattering against the windows, walls and railings sounds like a wind chime. So pretty. My dog's not going to like it though. She needs to walk once the rain stops.

I'm back to writing. It's slow going. I'm on the third or forth version of the same scene I've been working on for over a week. Last night I started a new story to distract myself and prove that I could get a hundred words in. I made it to five hundred. This one's a suspense though. I wanted to go in a completely different direction and practice external conflict more.

But I'm going to refocus on CBG today. I think if I let myself get swept up in another story, I risk having two incomplete works on hand. Discipline in this arena is good.

Wow, it's pouring down now. Poor doggie. I should have taken her out sooner. Ah, it's slowing down again. No, typed that too soon.

I caught the last half of the Jersey Housewives reunion. Is that show bananas or what? Must catch the repeat this evening! Sarah's House is coming up in a few minutes on Fine Living. She's got fabulous taste.

Rain stopped again.

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