It's late. I had planned to get some writing time in but seeing that I have to be up early, it's a bad idea. A headache's coming on and staring at computer glare is a no-no. Feeling disappointed and a bit guilty because I wrote but two days this week and went to bed almost at 2am every night. Sometimes later because I was doing research. (Rereading books and blogs on writing) . StillI need the rest.
I've been reintroduced to the principles surrounding good point-of-view (POV) techniques. Up until now it was something I did instinctively then that got mixed in with how other writer's did it. I'm delving more into "hows" and "whys" and as I do this, I see it's an area for improvement. Chapter five of CBG will be my first go at a more disciplined approach to POV. It also means format changes for the previous chapters. Yep, I'm still a youngin when it comes to this writing thing.
When the draft is completed, and I go to edit mode, I'll be looking to see if my POVs add tension, reveal underlying dynamics and convey info that can't be achieved through dialogue and beats, and if the scene doesn't "belong" to one character. I think this will help in finding my voice and avoiding the rookie trap of deferring to what another author has done in the past--just because I haven't studied a particular topic enough to make my own choice on what to do.
Chapter five is looking to be a 2 chapters in1. Yikes!
Based on the outline, the two need to be linked to create a balanced pace and show the passage of time. Separated, they seem to dangle. It would be alright in a complete book where the reader could just read on but since the story is being written and posted in installments, it's best to tackle the material in one go.
Right now it looks like CBG's not going past ten chapters. The ending I've had in mind still rings true. For now it's going to be ambiguous/open.
On the nights that ran too late to grab the flash drive and start writing, I mitigated my guilt by editing my playlist. Yep, I tried to fool myself into believing I was being productive. One of the readers at Lit has suggested songs to listen check out. I love that!
The Pens totally gave away game 5 (and if you're a hockey fan, you know winning game five is a blessing). Yeah, the Wings played well but it wasn't so much that they won the game with their play, as much as the Pens lost it. Watching the game was a buzz kill. And do I hate the hockey coverage on NBC. Thank you Gary Betteman for turning the game into an afterthought when it comes to media coverage. You can literally blink and miss an ESPN hockey update while basketball gets extensive pre-game and post-game coverage. Let me not talk about football.
My computer's giving me 'tude so I better vamoose soon.
writing a clear POV is incredibly challenging, especially if you yourself have never been in the circumstance/situation.
no matter how long it takes you to put up your next chapter, I am certain it will be incredibly well received.
my mother used to say: if it looks easy, it is usually difficult ... if it looks difficult, it can be damned near impossible
you, on the other hand, make it look seamless - which I know from personal experience can be excruciatingly difficult to achieve.
brava, hats off and all that jazz
Thank you, Lisa.
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